Melbourne Podiatry Clinic

5 Tips Before You Train for a Marathon

Tips before you train for a marathon
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1. Address Niggles Early

Research suggests that anywhere up to 90% of people training for a marathon are injured at some point during their journey. This may happen for many reasons but training error is by far the most common. That moment where you say “I’ll just go that little bit further, faster or harder.” When you fill your glass a little too much and the body says enough is enough. Seeing a professional, developing a plan and modifying your activity to keep you on track is the best way to ensure you are reaching that finish line.

2. Get Strong!

Runners tend to just run. Run hills. Run flats. Run trails. Run track. This, unfortunately, contributes to much of the training error we commonly see repetitive stress from the same actions over and over again can lead to tissue breakdown and injury. By including at least 2 strength-training sessions in your training program a week you can significantly reduce your chance of muscle atrophy and maintain strength. Of course, we are talking about lower limb strength not building your guns, so you should be working toward being able to lift the equivalent of your body weight plus 50%.

3. Follow A Plan

There are a number of training plans available on the internet for varying distances, some are better than others and mostly cookie-cutter programs, however, having a plan is better than no plan at all. At the very least a generalised plan will ensure a steady increase in load and reduce the risk you of doing too much too soon.

4. Numbers Can Be Deceiving

Do NOT become a slave to your smartwatch! Data has its place and can be very valuable when used correctly, however, most of the time it is used incorrectly and over-analysed. Sometimes it is important to listen to your body. Too sore from the day before? Do a recovery session. Exhausted 400m from your target? Walk it out. Your aim is to hit the start line healthy and uninjured so don’t get obsessed by hitting that exact pace if you don’t feel right!

5. Treat Yourself

When you are training toward a big goal it can be very easy to lose track of why you set the goal in the first place – the last thing you want is for running to become a chore, so schedule in the fun stuff!

  • Run with friends or chat to them on your phone while you run
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Have regular massages booked so you don’t need to make time for them
  • Eat! You’re burning lots of calories so you will be hungry!

For all new patients to Melbourne Podiatry Clinic, we are offering a GAP FREE comprehensive running assessment including video gait analysis at our Blackburn and Essendon clinics. This involves a full history and assessment, discuss any current niggles and then a detailed look at you running to determine if any changes to your running technique are required to help you smash your goal time! Click here to find out more!

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