So, you’ve just rolled your ankle.
Maybe it’s your first time, and you’re eager to get back into your sport. Or perhaps you’ve been here before and want to ensure abetter outcome this time around. Whatever your situation, proper rehabilitation is crucial to reduce the risk of a repeat injury and regain confidence in your ankles.
Let’s dive into the 7 steps to rehabbing your ankle injury like an athlete, so you can return to your sport stronger than before.
1. Understand Your Ankle Sprain
Your foot and ankle are intricate structures composed of numerous bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Each ankle injury is unique, depending on how it occurred and which structures were affected. Seeking a professional diagnosis from a qualified podiatrist is essential for accurate assessment and treatment.
2. Start Rehab ASAP
Once major structural issues or fractures are ruled out, don’t delay starting your rehabilitation. Waiting too long to begin or avoiding rehab altogether can prolong recovery and increase the risk of future issues. Embrace a proactive approach to rehab from the outset.
3. Focus on what you CAN do
After the initial shock of injury wears off, focus on exercises that don’t exacerbate ankle pain. Activities like deep water walking, swimming, and cycling can help maintain fitness levels while avoiding strain on the injured ankle. Additionally, continue strength training for unaffected areas to prevent detraining.
4. Restore Your Gait
Early rehab efforts should prioritize restoring normal walking patterns to prevent compensatory movements and associated discomfort. Gradually transition to a heel-toe gait as pain allows, promoting natural movement and reducing strain on surrounding structures.
5. Improve Your Strength
Ankle strength is paramount in rehabilitation, providing stability and support to the injured joint. Progress beyond basic exercises like rubber band resistance to whole-body movements such as calf raises, squats, and lunges. Gradually increase resistance to build functional strength necessary for athletic performance.
6. Early Impact and Change of Direction
Introduce low-impact activities like hopping, jumping, and agility drills as soon as feasible in your rehab journey. Begin with modified versions to accommodate your current strength and mobility levels, gradually progressing to more dynamic movements. Consistent practice accelerates the restoration of functional abilities.
7. Monitor your progress
Track your rehabilitation progress systematically, incorporating metrics beyond pain reduction. Assess strength, balance, mobility, and psychological factors regularly to gauge improvement and adjust your program accordingly. A structured approach enhances accountability and optimizes outcomes.
Getting Started
These 7 steps offer a comprehensive framework for ankle injury rehabilitation tailored to athletes. If you seek further guidance or wish to elevate your rehab journey, consider scheduling a consultation with a qualified professional.
Ready to reclaim your athleticism? Book a consultation here to take the next step in your ankle rehab journey.