Melbourne Podiatry Clinic

Are Weak Glutes Causing Your Injury?

weak glutes

Are weak glutes causing your injury? What role do they have in preventing lower limb injury?

Common conditions associated with weak glutes: 

Patellofemoral joint pain, Iliotibial Band Syndrome and Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin pain).

Firstly it is important to establish the exact muscles that we are talking about. The glute muscles are made up of 3 muscles, the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. Each of these muscles are located at the buttock and outer hip. weak glutes

The glutes are considered both the driving force and powerhouse behind lower body movement. As an important link in the chain, poor hip strength and control during movement may lead to significant compensations and movement dysfunction. Importantly, dysfunction of the glutes may result in dysfunctional movement patterns, which places different parts of the body under additional strain. In other words, your feet may have to work much harder to compensate or carry the load that the glutes normally do. As a result, you may experience foot pain

For example:

  • Have you ever noticed someone leaning more to one side when they walk?
  • Or have you ever noticed someone’s knees fall inwards when they walk or run?

Both of these issues may be a result of dysfunctional glutes on one or both sides of their body. 

How do I know if I have weak glutes?
  • Weak glutes are linked to a sedentary job that requires us to sit in front of a computer for long periods. A seated position deactivates the glute muscles that control and stabilise the pelvis.
  • Your Podiatrist will perform a number of key clinical tests during your consultation to determine if you have sufficient glute capacity. 
Where to from here?

Your Podiatrist will help you identify if your glutes are contributing to any of your injuries. As part of our consultations, an extensive biomechanical assessment will be utilised to assess your gait patterns and a custom-designed rehabilitation program will be provided to you to get you back to doing what you love. 

If you have any further questions regarding the role your glutes play in your lower leg injury then please reach out to

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