Yes it is!
Your podiatry visit may be fully or partially covered by a Medicare rebate if you meet specific criteria set out by Medicare and are approved by your General Practitioner through their clinical assessment and professional discretion.
The Medicare Benefits Scheme allows for GPs to coordinate the healthcare of patients with chronic or terminal medical conditions that require multidisciplinary team-based care with at least two other health providers (podiatry, physiotherapy, exercise physiologist). The Scheme is referred to as the Chronic Disease Management plan – formerly referred to as the Enhanced Primary Care plan.
A chronic medical condition is one that has been or is likely to be present for 6 months. This may include; plantar fasciitis, achilles tendinopathy or other musculoskeletal conditions. There is no list of eligible conditions, however, the CDM plan is designed to assist those who require care from multiple practitioners.
We offer services such as:
Under the CDM you will receive a $55.10 rebate for all podiatry consultations and you can be eligible to receive up to 5 allocated visits in a calendar year. At Melbourne Podiatry Clinic we are able to reimburse this to you on the spot at the time of your consultation – so no waiting in line at Medicare to receive your rebate! Unfortunately, it is not permissible for both a CDM and private health care to be used at the same time to reduce out of pocket expenses further, however, once your allocated visits have been completed the use of private health cover is certainly acceptable.
At Melbourne Podiatry Clinic we welcome all patients who attend under clinic under a Medicare plan and if you require further information about this program then please give us a call on (03) 9993 0461!
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