Podiatrists in Blackburn & Essendon
Sports Medicine Doctor in Essendon & Blackburn
Make the smart decision
See an expert Sports Doctor to help diagnose and treat your sports injury today.
Sports Doctors are the experts in sports and musculoskeletal injuries.
They have highly skilled training to provide you with an accurate diagnosis and strategic treatment plan to help you fix your sports injury.
At Melbourne Podiatry Clinic our Sports Doctors have the skills, expert knowledge and experience to get you back on the training track or game day field as soon as physically possible.
It’s what we’re known for and what we do best!

What can a Sports Doctor Help Me With?
Our Sports Medicine Doctors in Essendon are highly trained to assist you via:
Specifically and accurately diagnosing your injuries
Ordering MRI, Ultrasounds, Xrays or CT scans where required to confirm your diagnosis
Assisting you with injections, such as cortisone, to help improve recovery
Taking a considered approach to possible underlying health issues that may be impacting upon your current condition or injury
Involving you in a team care plan, which may include other health professionals, so you get the best people helping you achieve the best outcomes possible. This may include referral to Sports Physiotherapists, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Sports Podiatrists and Remedial Massage Therapists.
What injuries and conditions do Sports Medicine Doctors treat?
Sports and orthopaedic injuries (broken bones, concussion, cuts and lacerations, fractures, joint pain, muscle strains and sprains)
Short-term acute illnesses (asthma, bronchitis, chest pain, flu, repository infection)
Chronic, long-term conditions (arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, osteoporosis)
Men’s and women’s health issues (prostate, testosterone, menstruation, menopause).
Do I need a referral to see a Sports Doctor?
No, you don’t need a referral to see a Sports Medicine Doctor in Essendon.
To book an appointment with one of Melbourne Podiatry Clinic’s sports medicine doctors, please Book Online or call the Essendon or Blackburn clinics.
Melbourne Podiatry Clinic
Book a Consultation
For Podiatry in Essendon and Blackburn, contact us for professional podiatric care on (03) 9993 0461 or book online now.